Miz Artwork 032

天ぷら Tempura

Tempura is awesome fried food! I love its crispy taste.

I love to eat it with salt or Dashi soup! Yumm

What is Tempura?

  • You know, Tempura is a Japanese traditional cuisine, and so famous that this became a represented of Washoku nowadays.
  • The origin of tempura is featured by the two aspects : first, the cuisine using not wheat but rice flour had came from Chinese in the eighth century. After that, fritter had came from Portugal in around 17th centuries, then they were mixed up.
  • Now, Tempura is popular as home cooking in Japanese people. On the other hand, there are also high class restaurants serving tempura professionally.
  • In my opinion, if you have tested delicious that once, you will become to miss tempura sometimes.