鯖の味噌煮 Miso-Simmered Mackerel | Miz Artwork 043

Miz Transform 043 Miso-Simmered Mackerel  I'm really happy when I have this with good rice and Miso-soup! Mackerel is also my favorite fish! so yummy with every thing! What is Miso-Simmered Mackerel? Mackerel had been eaten from ancient era in Japan, then that is very popular fish in Japan. This dish is also so popular in Japanese mackerel cuisine. I guess this can be called typical inexpensive Japanese cuisine, because this is made with special seasoning to Japan, for example Sake, ginger, sweat sake, and miso. Off course, this rich testing fits rice very well. Back To Portfolio Read More

お月見 Viewing The Moon | Miz Artwork 044

Miz Artwork 044 お月見 Viewing The Moon It's so classic to have good Dango with viewing the full moon. Feel universe from Big moon!! What is Viewing The Moon? Tsukimi is Japanese festivals for viewing full-moon with eating mochi in mid-autumn. This festivals that has origin in ancient China have been played by Japanese people still now. Anyway, Mochi made for some good events is a Japanese rice cake. It have been loved so much by many Japanese people. A moon in mid-autumn is very clearly and beautiful, then it is said that the moon patterns looks like a rabbit making mochi with pounding that. As a result, the tail… Read More

相撲 Sumo Wrestling | Miz Transform 004

Miz Artwork 019 相撲 Sumo Wrestling Sumo fighters are so strong and tough! I hope to be powerful like them! I have to train harder ! What is Sumo Wrestling? Sumo is a Japanese traditional full-contact wrestling sport. Sumo has various aspect in Japanese history : first, sumo have been a ritual for good harvest in Shinto shrine. Second, under the patronage by big samurai, sumo have been practical sport like martial arts. Third, among common people, sumo have been entertainment. Now, with many powerful foreign wrestlers sumo is most famous sport in Japan still now. Back To Portfolio Read More

蹴鞠 Kemari | Miz Transform 005

Miz Transform 005 蹴鞠 Kemari I wanted to play Kemari with these people, I tried to get in here! They are so well at this sports. So hard to play to keep the ball! What is Kemari? Kemari is the Japanese sport like a football juggling using a ball made with skin of deer. This sport's origin can be back to ancient Chinese dynasty's culture, then it is said that this is maybe the origin of football. In Japan, Kemari had been trended among aristocracy from the 8th century, after that trended among samurai for some centuries until Nobunaga Oda promoted Sumo Wrestling instead of Kemari. Still now, Kemari have… Read More

豚カツ Tonkatsu | Miz Artwork 037

Miz Artwork 037 豚カツ Tonkatsu When I need to get energy, I eat Tonkatsu! Eating with Sauce and Karashi(Japanese Mustard) is so delicious! What is Tonkatsu? In Japan, there are 2 style of cuisine : the one is Washoku, typical traditional cuisine in Japan. The other one is Yoshoku that the origin is almost modern europe but have been modified for a long timed as Japanese cuisine. Tonkatsu is  a typical one of the dishes of Yoshoku, and that origin is a côtelette in French cuisine introduced to Japan in the 19 century. Now, Tonkatsu is a fundamental dish in Japanese cuisine, then like Tonkatsu-Sandwich and Tonkatsu-Doburi (on the rice)… Read More

お盆 Bon Festival | Miz Artwork 035

Miz Artwork 035 お盆 Obon At Obon term, Japanese people go back to their home and pray for their ancestors. Many people take vacation this term and so bit crowded everywhere! What is Bon Festival? Bon Festival is Japanese traditional buddhism custom based on primitive ancestor faith. In beginning of summer, Japanese people prepare that their ancient spirits come back home, for example burning fire, dancing, and decoration with some vegetables. Most famous event of obon is Gozan No Okuribi : this ceremonial burning on 5 mountains describes buddhism spell. Back To Portfolio Read More

天ぷら Tempura | Miz artwork 032

Miz Artwork 032 天ぷら Tempura Tempura is awesome fried food! I love its crispy taste. I love to eat it with salt or Dashi soup! Yumm What is Tempura? You know, Tempura is a Japanese traditional cuisine, and so famous that this became a represented of Washoku nowadays. The origin of tempura is featured by the two aspects : first, the cuisine using not wheat but rice flour had came from Chinese in the eighth century. After that, fritter had came from Portugal in around 17th centuries, then they were mixed up. Now, Tempura is popular as home cooking in Japanese people. On the other hand, there are also high… Read More

線香花火 Sparkler | Miz Artwork 030

Miz Artwork 031 線香花火 Sparkler Little shiny fire work on your hand, Senko Hanabi! I don't like fire works which are sold normally in shops, but I love this. What is Sperkler? Sparkler is a one of the Japanese traditional fireworks. Sparkler had been a plaything for court noble in west Japan at first, but in Edo period, sparkler had been eventually spread to ordinary people in east Japan. Now, Sparkler is very loved almost all Japanese people as summer feature letting them feel a fragility. Back To Portfolio Read More

秋の七草 Seven Herbs Of Autumn | Miz Artwork 031

Miz Artwork 031 秋の七草 7 Herbs Of Autumn I love autumn season. These herbs are told as the symbol of autumn traditionally! Feel and watch beautiful autumn from nature! What is 7 Herbs Of Autumn ? Autumn have been really loved as most elegant season from over a thousand yeas ago in Japan, especially the vivid leaves, bug's songs, and unique flowers. In ancient Japanese culture, the people express their feelings to a improvised short poet through the describing objects and scene. Then, 7 herbs autumn, Patrinia scabiosifolia, Miscanthus sinensis,  Platycodon grandiflorus, Dianthus, Eupatorium fortunei, Pueraria lobata, and Lespedeza, are loved as the representives of aurmn objects. Back To Portfolio Read More

串カツ Kushi-Katsu | Miz Artwork 023

Miz Artwork 022 串カツ Kushi-Katsu Kushi Katsu is enjoyable to eat from meat to vegetable. I will go Kushi Katsu restaurant in Osaka! What Is Kushikatsu? Kushikatsu is Japanese dish of deep fried skewered meet and and various vegetables. Almost scene, Japanese eat this with some beer, highball, and cocktail shochu with tonic water in Izakaya. Kushikatsu is not Tempura. Tempura's origin can back to 1500 years ago, whereas Kushikats's one can back to 100 years ago. It was invented from Tonkatsu as more cheap cuisine Then, Kushikatsu is loved as taste of the common people. Back To Portfolio Read More